Mitsubishi High Frequency Cable
WF-H Coaxial Cable
Highly Foamed Polyethylene Insulation and Ring Corrugated Copper Tube Outer Conductor.
FLEXCoaxial Cable
A super flexible coaxial cable which has a highly foamed polyethylene insulation and a ring-type corrugated tube having a short pitch as the outer conductor. Low attenuation and stable phase properties make WFLEX best such application as jamper cables for land mobile radio and cellular systems.
Leaky Coaxial Cables (LCX)
This cable is slotted on its outer conductor, allowing functioning as a signal transmission line and antenna of electromagnetic waves. It is used as a leaky transmission line for mobile radio communication such as train radio, car radio, and other portable radio links and for "underground" radio applications, such as in tunnels, underground centers, etc.
For radio communications for disaster prevention and underground markets, flame retardant and heat resistant LCX is specified by law.
Highly Foamed Polyethylene Insulation and Ring Corrugated Copper Tube Outer Conductor.
FLEXCoaxial Cable
A super flexible coaxial cable which has a highly foamed polyethylene insulation and a ring-type corrugated tube having a short pitch as the outer conductor. Low attenuation and stable phase properties make WFLEX best such application as jamper cables for land mobile radio and cellular systems.
Leaky Coaxial Cables (LCX)
This cable is slotted on its outer conductor, allowing functioning as a signal transmission line and antenna of electromagnetic waves. It is used as a leaky transmission line for mobile radio communication such as train radio, car radio, and other portable radio links and for "underground" radio applications, such as in tunnels, underground centers, etc.
For radio communications for disaster prevention and underground markets, flame retardant and heat resistant LCX is specified by law.